
Low Tox Life by Alexx Stuart

This book holds a special place in my  heart. Alexx Stuart is my mentor and friend. I truly love her nonjudgmental, practical approach to becoming more low tox. I have taken many of her online courses and her Low Tox Method course, is where I got my Low Tox Coaching license. 

I am partial, but I thing you will love this book!

Inside Low Tox Life, you’ll discover (among other things!):
  • How to actually make changes successfully instead of wanting to but ‘never getting round to it’.
  • The most powerful things you can change in your day to day for your health and the planet’s health.
  • Scientific research that suggests caution around some of the chemicals used in many everyday brands today and the loopholes that allow them in there in the first place.
  • DIY recipes from a non DIY’er - meaning, SUPER SIMPLE STUFF!
  • How to cut through the food noise and eat simply and deliciously
  • Real Food Recipes divided into a couple of delicious feasts and the ultimate care package
  • How to go low-plastic in a high plastic world
  • How to clean without a hit of harmful toxins
  • How to recognize endocrine-disruptors in beauty products and avoid them
  • How to develop a deeply sustainable relationship with clothing
  • How to cultivate a low tox mind - chilled, mindful, joyous, nonjudgemental and powerful
So yes, I cover quite a few things there but it’s all doable. I’m a regular person who’s done this and all I want is to gift to people like you who want a more conscious, empowered life, a framework and the tools to do that. You don't need to be a full time homesteader with a cupboard full of organic linens to go low tox. Start small, switching or ditching one nasty at a time, and enjoy the process as a positive one for you and the planet. That’s what we’re doing here in this book and in the Low Tox Life community.

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