About Me

Many people ask me “so, what is it that you do, Annette?”

I wish I had a simple explanation, but I don’t — or at least I haven’t found the words to easily explain exactly what it is that I do.

You see, most of my clients are already sick by the time they find me or dealing with infertility.

Yes, I help them replace the toxic items in their homes.
Yes, I educate them about VOC’s, endocrine disruptors and more.
Yes, I do all the things a low tox coach would do to transform their homes, yet there is so much more…I’m a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, a cheerleader to help them after treatments. 

I had no idea when I became a Low Tox Coach what exactly I was getting into, but everything I’ve been through in my life has brought me here, to this exact place, for a reason.

All the chronic illness, autoimmune diseases, depression, cataracts, cancer, trauma and more that I’ve overcome gives me the opportunity to help those right behind me. 
It’s the universe working its magic!!

I experience such joy as I hear stories of healing, and receive excited calls  “I haven’t felt this good in decades,” “I share everything you’ve taught me with my kids and friends!”

So yes, I am a Low Tox Coach and yes, I walk people through the transformative process of making their home a healthy, lower toxic place to live, but that isn’t really what I do. 

This is the medium by which people regain their health, start living their lives to the fullest, and go after the dreams they thought were lost. It gives people their lives back!

I truly love my job!
"This is a testimonial block. Swap the adjacent image out for a headshot of one of your best clients, then replace this paragraph with a short quote from them praising your business."
—J. Doe